There are several reasons that you may see a charge from Charitable Humans on your credit card or bank statement. You have promoted a petition, signed up for regular monthly contribution or donated to a fundraiser on our platform.
Promoting a petition:
Charitable Humans has the option for petition supporters to chip in to help promote petitions they care about. These charges will generally appear on your statement as Charitable Humans *PETITION WA.
If you see this on your statement and need further clarity, please log into your account and visit your profile page. This displays a list of your most recently signed and started petitions. If you don’t recall promoting any of these, please reach out to our support team by clicking ‘Contact Support’ above and they can look into this further for you.
Millions of people come to Charitable Humans to start and sign petitions that boldly call for social change. Members fuel our mission to empower EVERYONE to create the kind of change they want to see. These charges will generally appear on your statement as Charitable Humans *MEMBERSHIP WA.
If you see this on your statement and would like to make changes to your membership (including canceling it), please log into your Charitable Humans account and visit your Account Settings page. Towards the bottom of the page, you should see “Manage Contributions” where you can modify your current membership. Please note: If you cancel your membership with Charitable Humans, you will no longer see this page available to you.
Petition starters can raise funds for projects that will help them move their campaign forward, whether that’s getting the word out with flyers in their neighborhood or on a billboard in Times Square. These charges will generally appear on your statement as Charitable Humans *FUNDRAISER WA
If you see this on your statement and need further clarity, please log into your account and visit your profile page. This displays a list of your most recently signed and started petitions. If you don’t recall contributing towards a fundraiser on any of these, please reach out to our support team by clicking ‘Contact Support’ above and they can look into this further for you.